Sporadically Yours

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My Time

I woke up this morning
       half past five
Desiring a workout
       to feel alive
My husband beside me
       hand on my chest
I want to roll out 
I need some rest
 This is my time.
The sun barely peaked 
       when I hear my child calling
Mommieeeee! - he shrieked
So out of my bed I arose
It’s a bad dream, I suppose
I stand at the door 
My face now shown sour
I turn on the light
      send him off to the shower
Taking off the sheets
      my back is stiff
I am tired now
     completely miffed
I want to scream
I want to cry 
I should have risen at a quarter past five
 © 7/1/2010 Anyek Noillag NosnhoJ