Sporadically Yours

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I believe so many brighter days are ahead

Believing in a brighter day can raise you up more than any difficulties can set you back.~Douglas Pagels
Believing in a brighter day can raise you up more than any difficulties can set you back.~Douglas Pagels

I ended last week on such a high note. This week monkey wrenches have been whacking me in the head. Only one made me stumble, but I did not fall.  I am resilient! Thank you, my friend, for telling me so.  I only went to workout once this week. I'm blaming that on the "clouds" and that annoying Aunt that comes around.

Additionally, I went to a busted job fair.  There were so many employers there that, "don't have any positions right now but if you check back...". If I wanted to become a trucker, a police officer or work 2 1/2 hours away, there were so many opportunities for that.  The job fair was set up on base in a gym seemingly without air-conditioning. There were so many people in there. I couldn't believe so many people were looking for jobs. I felt bad for the ones that were desperate enough to listen to the dog and pony show of so many sales recruiters.  Driving back home, there were so many cars on the road, so many parked at the mall, so many in the Starbucks drive-thru.  I just looked and wondered, Didn't they have to work today? And if they didn't, where did they get money from?? I came back home with so many of the resumes that I left with.

So I'm reading internet news yesterday and see that Hallmark is now making layoff condolence cards. Really? What is the thought that counts behind giving someone a card like that? I am sure they would be less offended if you gave them the five dollars you spent on it. You are so fired - Hallmark.

It's still all good; I strive to end every week on high note. I am RESILIENT!

I gave my cousin a crazy analogy this week. Let me see if I can recall it.  In reference to "doing you",  I said something like, "Always keep some pots on the stove. Sometimes they will be boiling over, and sometimes there will only be one simmering. If you always have something cooking, you will always have something to feed off of. " Wow. That actually came out better than when I said it to her. You can quote ME on that. And for someone who doesn't like to cook, that really came out of the left field. Must have been a monkey wrench with inspiration.

Always keep some pots on the stove. Sometimes they will be boiling over, and sometimes there will only be one simmering. If you always have something cooking, you will always have something to feed off of. ~Kenya G. Johnson

Here's the thing....as for that beautiful forecast in my photo, so many brighter days are ahead and I am going to be a walking fool all next week!

Sporadically Yours,