Sporadically Yours

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40 years worth of names


I was thinking about all the names I have been called other than my own.

I barely remember being called my first nickname, Cookie. According to my family, I would not allow anyone to call me that. If they called for "Cookie", I would yell "My name is KENYA not COOKIE!"

The next nickname (still current) between me and mom is Punkin. When she knows I've had a challenging day, I can expect a phone call saying, "How's my Punkin?"

My dad called me KG, sometimes I still sign my cards that way, even though I am now KJ.

My grandfather Pop Pop called me Jaws, because I could put away some food. After my brother surpassed me, Pop Pop called me granddaughter.

In middle school after a couple of school fights - I earned the name Rocky. When I came home from school all roughed up, daddy's first question was, "Did you beat?" I beamed, "YES!" He had taught me how to box.

I was in a "club" with four other girlfriends from middle school. I honestly can't remember if my name was Cookie, Cupcake or Candy. But after a 30 year long friendship, we still affectionately call our 5 girl group The Sweets. 

In high school when I joined the track team, I was quite good as 3rd leg in the 440 relay, but I sucked in the 880. I was tagged with the nickname Track Star after coming in so dead last they were setting up for the next race. No kidding. In my defense I was filling in for someone - I was a dash girl not a half mile girl. My coach told me no matter what - "just finish" - so I did - cramps and all.

In church, I was Pam's daughter.

When I worked in the same building as my dad, I was Rick Gallion's daughter.

When my brother worked there for a while, despite the popularity of Rick Gallion's daughter, I became Derrick's sister. But he also became Kenya's brother.

Once I was married to a Marine I instantly became ma'am or Mrs. Johnson. I pleaded for them to call me by my first name but they wouldn't do it. If we became friends, and they had kids, they would call me "Miss Kenya".

My husband calls me "Hey" or "Hey Kenya" but I do get the occasional "lil momma" or "baby cakes".

The name I have been called more in 6 years than my own name in 40 years is, "Mom" but mostly with a question mark, "Mom?"

Here's the thing... of all the names I have earned, "Christopher's mom" is my absolute favorite!

Linked up with - Tuesday Ten - a weekly link-up hosted by Lisa of The Golden Spoons and Rabia of The Liebers