SOC Sunday: A silent lesson...

On a day that my son had his favorite French toast for breakfast, the day went on as usual. Papa Bear had to deliver pictures to a team. I wanted to write. I needed to write. Baby bear and I sit in the computer room together. I have a desk set up for him to color or do whatever he wants so that he is not lying at my feet. He watches movies on Netflix from the iPad while I am on the computer – trying to write.

Towards lunch his friends dad calls and says he will take the boys to lunch. I’ll have a little bit of free time. I write. Papa Bear makes it home before baby bear. When the boys return, I have something to mail and I take them for ice cream. Papa Bear is gone again when we return and baby bear’s friend has to go home. It’s just us again. Baby bear is bored.

When the day comes to an end, I am tired from all that I haven’t accomplished. Baby bear and Papa Bear are playing on the Xbox in his room. "C’mon mom you have to see this." I put on my pj’s and go in his room to lay in his bed. He looks at me, and he looks and Papa bear and says, “This is the life.”

Here’s the thing… (always written after 5 minutes is up because I have to reflect) in this household, for an only child our time spent as a complete family is more valuable than his friendships or endless time on the iPad. This speaks volumes to me. I'm listening.



 This 5 minute Stream of Consciousness was inspired by words from a seven year old "This is the life."

It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post.
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.

A nickname story…


Oxygen Therapy...