Can't ignore the scent-sation...


Once a year, for some occasion I receive the Bed, Bath and Body gift pack from Papa Bear. I’ll read the title of the scent and I’m hopeful. I give him the ‘thanks sweetie’ peck on the lips. At some point I’ll take it into my bathroom and secretly smell. I’ll press my finger to my temple and wonder, “Did you even smell the sample?” I’ll try it for a while and not be able to stand myself for half the day. I’ll blame my acne on it even though apparently turning 40 has something to do with that. Then one day, the scent will have worn out its welcome. I won’t even pretend that I can like it. I’ll stand in the shower and squeeze the rest of the shower gel down the drain. I’ll wonder what to do with the body spray, the body lotion and the super thick body lotion that I can’t even stand to smell all the way down on my socked feet. Papa Bear means well I think. I’ve purposely used it before bed and not once has he said how good I smell. I hope he looked at the containers wishing I would run out, while also taking note not to buy that one again.

Here’s the thing…Whew times up. I really set a timer so I wouldn’t dwell. I like the Sunday stream of consciousness – 5 minute brain dump. This one happened on a weekday. It would be cheating if I saved it in draft mode for Sunday.

This is a Tuesday brain dump, saved and scheduled to post on Thursday.

This post was inspired by, “Things I would never write if Papa Bear was a subscriber”.


How's that phonetic spelling workin' for ya?


February 29th...a Leap Year post