Sporadically Yours

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A needle in a haystack!

Hey look! Did you notice that I cleaned up the place? No? Okay well it might be one of those things only I notice. I need some help though. Can you help me get a needle out of a haystack? 

The 2nd Edition of The Christopher Chronicles, Age 5 has been uploaded to Amazon.com. If you have an Amazon account, here are three anonymous ways you can support us...

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As Christopher says, "Easy peasy lemon greasy". Thank you so much! Hugs! >:D<

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Take advantage of Amazon and get it soon or, pre-order an autographed copy from me here and you'll get it later (shortly after December 1st).

Here's the thing... slowly but surely we are going to get this needle out of the haystack! And if you got this far, you must really like me. <img src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/9.gif" alt=":" >=""

Thank you in advance!^:)^

Christopher's mom