Social Media: Extroverting My Voice...

It's Finish the Sentence Friday! This week, I shall finish the sentence, "You want to know what I think of social media? I think… it's ideal for an introvert!

When I first started blogging, my profile picture was a Koala bear and my profile name was Aynek Noillag Nosnhoj (my name backwards). I was scared to be on the internet as the real me.

Though my facebook page consisted mainly of friends from high school and family, I didn't know what to post. I wanted to be different from those posting how far they jogged, what they ate for lunch that day or what they were wearing and I wanted to be myself. So every time five year old Christopher gave me a laugh, I posted what he said on Facebook. 

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Kenya G. Johnson

While eating Christopher said, "Mom is this real chicken?" I said, "Yes". He said, "So this is a dead chicken?" my response "Yes, son". After a moment, "Is barbeque chicken dead too?"

Three Years Later...

Amazon Book Review:

We all know that kids can come up with some of the funniest things, but there is something about Christopher's logic & wisdom that makes you wish his mom would just record his Christopherisms & share them with the world. Wait... That's exactly what the Chronicles are all about:) 

The Christopher Chronicles (my book) was born on Facebook. I dedicated the first edition of The Christopher Chronicles to my facebook friends. Today, I'm working on the Age 6 book of The Christopher Chronicles. I'm on Facebook, Google and Twitter. These social media outlets have helped me to network, promote and meet some really cool people. I've also opened up. I don't feel so much like an introvert anymore.

Whenever people ask me about self-publishing a book, I tell them that they need to have a social media presence first. You can't just appear out here and say, "Hey I've got a book" and expect anyone to be interested. 

I'm no social media celebrity, but I was a blogger before I was an author. When I announced on my blog that I had published a book, my readers were some of the first ones to buy it.

It can be quite time consuming to keep my presence active, engaging, and entertaining while trying to promote my book. Self promotion and marketing is an uphill struggle for me. I try to keep my promoting light without losing anyone or losing myself in the process. 

Here's the thing... this one is for you Kate (she's loves my Here's the thing...)

I want to remain as I was introduced here on Kate's blog:


Kenya is the author of The Christopher Chronicles. It includes things her son has said and her son is hilarious! I love Kenya’s voice. She is so down-to-earth and funny. I feel like I’m sitting at a coffee shop with a friend, hanging out and laughing, when I read her blog.

y voice and Christopher's (Age 8) just this week...

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Kenya G. Johnson (Author)

I told Christopher to take the recycle bin out so he wouldn't see me use a calculator to check his math.

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Kenya G. Johnson (Author)

My face is hot. Watching Meerkats mate, Christopher asks, "What are they doing?" I respond, "Making a baby." He said, "That fast?"

Finish the Sentence Friday

Me, Myself & I (on Weight Watchers)


Murphy's Law of Resolutions...