Sporadically Yours

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Mister Bossy Pants

Have you heard the saying that when you work from home you're really never off the clock?

I was laying in bed this morning trying to think up a new funny story to tell and share with a Humor Blog Hop. Then I was trying to think of something old to share with the Tuesday Archive Link Up (TALU)

At the same time my husband was wondering out loud, "I wonder if we can hook up both printers to the laptop and use Lightroom." Five o'clock in the morning might not be too early to think about blogging but for me it's too early to talk business. 

What my boss meant was, I need you to install the other printer on the laptop - like right now.  He has an event to shoot tomorrow night. I suppose I should be happy he is trying to work this out 24 hours before the event and not in the same day. Because that's how he usually rolls. 

I've taken five minutes to dump this out while the boss digs for cables.

Sharing a Mister Bossy Pants post from December called.... 

I Hate Tests! 

Misplaced Alaskan