Sporadically Yours

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Social Profiling: Who are you?

Dear Commenters,

Most of us know each other pretty well. But sometimes on a blog hop day, I might have some new commenters. Detective work on a blog hop day is very time consuming. Here's the thing... ain't nobody got time for that. I want to "disqus" how easy it would be for commenters to return the favor. Join me on Tech Bytes where I will use a regular guy from NYC as an example.  

Dear Guest Commenters,

Guest commenting is completely fine if that's the way you want to go. I have a smiley face for your avatar. However, here's the thing... when I respond to your comment, you don't get an e-mail back from me. So it makes me appear rude, unless you came back to check. Here's the other thing though, unless you left your blog URL - I can't find you - I don't even know what you look like. 

Dear Avatarless Commenters, 

If you like the smiley face avatar, that's cool. If you want your picture here (Mom or Dad), my blogger friend Joi created an avatar for her mom here and I can do the same for you. Other avatarless commenters you are on your own. Here's the thing... You don't have to be a blogger to have an avatar when you leave a comment.  



P.S. Don't forget to check out how to add your profile to DISQUS so bloggers won't have to do detective work to return the favor. I mean, 'cause that's the whole point of this post.

Please share with your followers too, 'cause we're all in this together.