Sporadically Yours

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There's no business like 'yo' business...

Dearest Blog,

How do I miss thee. Let me count the ways! 

Goodness. It . Has. Been. CRAY-Zay. Up. In. HERE!

Well I am back. Today.

For two weekends in a row we have been at basketball tournaments. I knew this day would come. I no longer have the excuse to stay home with the baby, or the toddler who can't sit still or needs naps. Christopher is old enough to hang out and help out, so all of us were on the job this weekend. 

If somebody has to grin and bear it, it might as well be me.

If somebody has to grin and bear it, it might as well be me.

But while Papa Bear seemed very happy to have us along, Christopher did get tired. My role in this is getting so much harder. It's easier being the mom here and the photographer's wife there. But not the mom and the photographer's wife simultaneously. 

I've been meeting everyone's needs but my own and I am about up against that brick wall.

It's March 31st and now it's looking like it'll be May 1st before I start my year off right. You know what I'm sayin'? I am getting so behind in the things that matter to me.

Where does the time go?

The quickest way to lose yourself is to forget yourself.  The quickest way to forget yourself is to lose yourself.

It's a vicious cycle I am all too familiar with.

One day I'm writing, then I'm setting it aside and setting it aside until one day, it doesn't seem that important anymore. The reason for it seems irrelevant. Then one day I'm not writing at all and I wonder how I ever made time for it. Same thing applies to many other things that I am not doing.

The best part of the weekend should have been when it was over, but without it I wouldn't have these photos.

There's no business like 'yo' business.

This wasn't a farewell to writing stream of consciousness post, rather a get a grip one.

Not sure how that's gonna happen but in the meantime, I am telling Myself"Handle 'yo' business girl!"

Whatever business that is.