Sporadically Yours

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Nap now because there's no later

Dear Saturday,


I am in need of a power nap right now. Just shows you how disciplined I am to do my 400 words a day. I could be closing my eyes right now. 

My husband and son are gone for the (2 hours) prior to the football game this afternoon. The game is in town so I'll get there before the game. 

I got up early and was exercising by 5:45 am. I said while I'm tossing and turning, I might as well and get up to do something productive. Saturday is my worst eating day - especially during the seasons my son plays sports. So all the more reason to start the day with exercise.

So after I post this, I am going to get an alarm and close my eyes for 30 minutes. It's amazing what shutting down for 30 minutes does for the mind, body and spirit. Otherwise if I am tired and too tired to do anything then I start snacking - like that helps me to stay awake but not really.

Yesterday immediately after writing my 400 words, I jumped over to my other blog and posted. After doing that I could have written two more if I had had time. Now I only remember what one was going to be about. 

I don't wanna get that inspiration today though - I am yawning as I type this. Like I said, I need a nap.

I also made a big breakfast to carry us all through until the game is over. Ideally I should pack a lunch or take snacks or something. If the game doesn't start until 2pm if it is on time then where looking at 4ish o'clock before it's over. I don't like eating any junk from the concession stand. 

I'm really not found of game day Saturdays. At least when the  kids are really young, their games are early and you have the whole day to yourself afterwards. 

Basketball season will be better. Generally the games are at 9:00 or 10:00 and at the latest we are back home by 11:30. 

Well hopefully I'll shut my brain down for 30 minutes and not worry about packing snacks. Some other moms are so organized but they also have other kids who they do need to feed during a game. I guess those moms would have to be prepared. My husband can eat from the concession stand and snacks are taken care of for the team. So I'll be the only one starving I guess. 

Siesta time - 425 words
