Sporadically Yours

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Blue Monday

Dear Monday,


I found two gray hairs today and it has kind of rained on my Monday parade. Two gray hairs. That means I have a total of three. I don't know why it bothers me so much. The single one was in the back and I could pretend it wasn't really there. 

To get into my 40's with no gray hair was something to brag about. Now I have no bragging rights. They new two are still underneath but it's just a matter of time before they are really visible. 

This is funny - for about a month of so now I've been looking in my hair as I brush it at night before I put a scarf on. I say to myself, it looks faded - like I am going to get a bunch of gray hair at one time. Please don't let that happen. I don't know what the right age is to be ready for gray hair, Sixty would be more like it. 

Anyhoo - moving on. 

So the other blue Monday stuff is that my iPhone is acting up. It's timing is impeccable. I write that with sarcasm because they next iPhone is coming out this week. I am not ready for one. I just bought a new case for my phone so I could like it a little while longer. Chuckling at myself because of course I would WANT to new phone, it's just not a priority right now. So I am bummed about something being wrong with mine, and I don't want it to die. 

I'm typing in a new app today. I finally got over the typewriter sound of Hanx writer. It was a bit quirky. Now I am using Scrivener which I already had. I wanted to also type in something that show my word count so that I could stop at 400. So I've got that, just without the Hanx sound effects. I'll live.

So I guess the last thing on my plate to whine about is the weather. The humidity is still so high that it's running interference with our cooler temps. So it doesn't really feel all that cooler. I'm ready to get back to walking outside in crisp cool mornings. 

Sadly though the days are getting shorter and it's still dark at the time I'd like to go. Pushing my walk time to a later hour makes me less motivated to do it. 

421 words
