Fake Reading...

I've been itching to come around and say hello, but there is one thing I cannot do and blog at the same time. I cannot read and blog. My niche should have been book blogging, but then I may not have as many friends.

I get SO much done when I am listening to an audiobook (everything accept blogging), I even go for extra walks around the neighborhood just to keep listening. If it's a really good book, you might be able to clean out your closet - or organize anything really.

It always surprises me that people don't know that they can rent audiobooks from their library. And I don't mean physically going in and checking out CDs. If you are a member of your local library, then you have access to their digital library. You just have to sign up

I wrote about OverDrive almost two years ago but my post is outdated. It's hard to write something for the second time with the same enthusiasm, so I thought I'd share a comment to my blog friend Janine's post when she wrote about overdrive about six months ago. 

After two years of being an OverDrive user, I see that it has really caught on. There is a waiting list for digital materials just as it would be in the physical library. It seems weird but yeah, they only have a few digital copies per library branch I guess. Why only one person at a time can have it, I don't know. It's digital. 

Often when I have a big cleaning task ahead of me, I find something to listen to. I am on Chapter 34 of Memoirs of a Geisha. I haven't blogged, I haven't cleaned my fish tank, but I can walk in my closet and I can see under my bed from one side to the other. And what laundry?

I started a group on Goodreads called OverDrive Audiobooks. Similar groups only had a few members so I thought I'd start my own and hope it catches on. I simply want to use it for recommendations. 

One of the most time consuming things about cleaning a fish tank is finding a good audiobook.

— Kenya G. Johnson

Feel free to ask me any questions about getting set up with OverDrive. In a nutshell, you'll need an Apple or Android Device to download the OverDrive app and you'll need to have an active account at your local library. Then we can talk. 

This post was inspired by 1 WORD via a weekly linkup hosted by The Golden SpoonsBlogitudes and Confessions of a Mommyholic. This week’s words: FAKE & QUIET.


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The cost of a mug shot...