Sporadically Yours

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Hess to be rebranded as Speedway

On November 30th, I strolled into "Hess", not noticing that the sign had changed I asked, "Where are the Hess trucks?" The lady behind the counter said, "Speedway has acquired Hess retail, so you can only buy them online." She offered, "We have Speedway trucks." I thanked and no thanked her.

I high-tailed it to another Hess to see if their sign had changed, then high-tailed it back home because it was Cyber Monday and I just KNEW all of the Hess Trucks would be sold out. I didn't know if this Speedway Hess thing was news news.

Christopher has received a Hess Truck every year for his birthday since he turned two. He will turn eleven next week.

The last few years I have asked Christopher, "Do you still want a Hess Truck for your birthday?" He has always said yes. This year he hadn't mentioned it and neither did I, but I got sentimental.

'Tis the season ya know? 

Hess Truck ©2015

Hess Truck ©2015

The 2015 Hess Truck is a fire truck and will the be the first Hess Fire Truck that Christopher owns. Also it is completely red - not the standard Hess green & white. 

I bought daddy one years ago when he and mom were empty nesters. We were empty nesters too. We all wanted a baby but there wasn't one here yet. 

Granddaddy's Hess Truck ©2000

Christopher has always loved Granddaddy's firetruck and always understood that he could play with it but it wasn't his. It would stay at Granddaddy's house. I was glad, because of all Christopher's Hess trucks, Granddaddy's was the most annoying.

So for sentimental reasons, I had to have one.  I ordered it and it arrived today. 

So I come walking in the house with this brown box. Papa Bear asked, "Who is that for?" I said, "Christopher." He asked, "What is it?" I said, "A Hess Truck." He said, " You know he's not going to play with that." I said, "This is probably the last one. Hess is being acquired by Speedway. Plus it's red. He doesn't have a red one." He said, "Well why didn't you just say it was for you."

In an attempt to disguise it, I wrapped it like it was for me and placed it upright under the Christmas tree.

Christopher walked in the house after school and took one look at the box under the tree and said, "I know what that is! It's a Hess Truck!"

And I said, "That's for me."

I didn't exactly lie, right?

Meanwhile Papa Bear stood behind him with an expression daring me not to laugh. I stood firm, fooling no one I'm sure.

This holiday season, I hope that Christopher lays on the floor and rolls his truck around one time. And I hope it's as obnoxiously loud and annoying as Granddaddy's fire truck.

I also hope that Christopher lets me update this post with a current picture so that I can share this story again in next year's Blog Advent Calendar - where I share 24 posts for 24 days leading up to Christmas. 

The End

This post will be linked up with Finish the sentence Friday on Dec. 10/11 where the prompt is "This holiday season, I hope...". The hosts this week are Kristi from Finding Ninee and Lisa of The Golden Spoons.