How do I love thee...

I'm talking about ice cream. I could count it 31 ways and go on and onto the tune of Bubba talking about shrimp... but this isn't that kind of story.

My first job was at Baskin Robbins. I made $2.50 an hour and it took several 4-hour shifts and many paychecks to save up for a $50 pair of Guess jeans.

I wouldn't have this picture if it weren't for my grandfather. At age 15, I would have never let my daddy take my picture at work, but for my Pop-Pop I would. 

The worst shift I had was working with the owners. That would always be the first shift of the day. While they were there we had to weigh the scoop on a scale to make sure we weren't giving away too much and we had to clean every minute that we didn't have a customer. And the worst, we couldn't eat any ice cream.

The fun shifts were at night when we gave generous scoops of ice cream to patrons and let the floors get sticky under our feet.

There would always be the closing straggler who came in with their whole family after we had mopped the floors and cleaned all the surfaces. Kids would put their hands and lips on the glass and someone would get a banana split with wet walnuts. Afterwards, it was like having to clean from scratch.

The owners never came in again until long after closing so they never knew what we had been up to. 

We used our math skills to add up orders in our heads then rang up partial orders and kept the difference until we had enough to buy french fries from across the street. 

Friends came in to hang out like it was the Peach Pit.

Some teens inhaled the empty whipped cream containers. 

I kissed a boy in the freezer.

As long as no one complained, no one got in trouble.

Is there a statute of limitations on this criminal activity?

Allegedly, everyone took home "free" ice cream. 

Before and after working at Baskin Robbins, Pistachio Almond is still my favorite flavor. 

My grandmother introduced me to this flavor when I was a little girl. 

If I could eat as much ice cream as I want, I'd get a 4-scoop cup with Pistachio Almond, Butter Pecan, Pralines and Cream,  and Jamoca Almond Fudge.

Fun Fact: Have you ever noticed the 31 in the Baskin Robbins logo? I just learned this from Visually Kokoa.

So, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? 

Did you ever kiss anyone at work?

Linking up at my old stomping grounds with the Finish the Sentence Friday bloggers, where the prompt this week is My first job...

Hosting this week with Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee are Kerri Ames of Undiagnosed but Okay and Kelly McKenzie with Just TypiKel.


Hot Flashes and a Rambling Brain


Let's get together and feel all right...