Sporadically Yours

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Telling My Story

I know it is written somewhere in memoir form, what I was doing on this day five years ago. But off the cuff I can tell you I had this blog and hadn't written in it since October of 2010. I wrote, The Rhythm of Words when I was rebirthing the writer in me.

I wouldn't write again here until March of 2011. Within that time I had turned forty and had just graduated from college, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Communication. The peace I wrote that March would read as one of the simplest posts I've ever written but it's relevance for me at that time is significant. Breathing my truth in that short post led to me writing eighty-eight more blog entries that year. 

One written out loud confession I AM A WRITER kicked me in gear. Though it wasn't on the radar in March of 2011, eight months later I would publish The Christopher Chronicles.

It's2016. This is the 5th year anniversary of The Christopher Chronicles. I shrug at the thought like, "Well?" As Doctor Phil would ask, "How's that workin' for ya?" 

Well I can't believe it's been almost five years. Every now and then I allow myself to wallow in what in the future looked like five years ago. By the end of 2011, I was beside myself with motivation and full of plans. I had begun to write my own success story. To date I have 13,000 words in that bookand I stopped writing it a long time ago.

To finish that book would be relevant in some ways but it'd be like watching a GI Jane like movie, get to the end just to see she didn't make it. That would suck.

So it's been five years that nothing else has happened. I made some rookie moves that I never really recovered from "emotionally". It's now approaching a time where Christopher will be entering middle school and I need to be reentering the workforce in some capacity because student loans. The time has come that it's do or slowly die inside, now or never. I'll publish again this year. You can take that to the bank.

I've got plenty of comeback excuses for why 2016 doesn't look like I thought it would. That's a story for another day.

Today all I know is, in the future I don't want to tell THIS story again. 

As for the 1-word for 2016, peace, that I wrote about last week, now that's workin' out for me!

This post is "a written record of the pieces that make up my story" inspired by the theme "Who I Am" a new link-up hosted by Dana of Kiss My List that will begin next week.

Today this post is my submission to Finish the Sentence Friday where the prompt is, "In the future..."