Sporadically Yours

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Pray For A Cancer Cure

Has God ever spoken to you and told you do something and you didn't follow through? Well my spirit has been nagged long enough and again today right on time.    

GOD TOLD ME TO WRITE THIS POST MONTHS AGO. "I don't know what to say", I said. "What if I just like her posts on Instagram, and she'll know I'm thinking about her?" God said, "Just write a story, give her a shout out and tell people to pray." "I can do that", I said. God said, "Now."

Pray for Nay

Sometimes I revisit old posts on my blog, read comments and see who has come and gone. A lot of bloggers have disappeared in the six years that I've maintained mine. I often wonder what happened to so & so. One day I looked up Nay. 

Nay gave me my blog break. I'd been blogging to myself and one or two people for nearly a year. One of those people told me that Nay was doing a weekly Guest Post to highlight new bloggers. Nay selected me, and after my feature on her blog, traffic picked up on mine. The rest is history.

As a blogger knows, at some point you make new connections and find your tribe. Maybe the people you used to follow don't write so much anymore or the initial connection just didn't stick. After awhile you lose touch and later down the road you wonder, "What happened to so & so?"

So earlier this summer I stopped by Nay's blog and a blogger friend of hers had checked in for her, writing that Nay had been battling Leukemia. I clicked through to Nay on Instagram and saw a smile that radiated the determination to beat cancer. 

Since I last read Nay, her family of four has grown to five. She has a baby girl that's just a year old. 

Scrolling through Instagram this morning, I see a picture of Nay giving a thumbs up. She's just had a biopsy, and on Monday or Tuesday she will find out if she is cancer free. She asks for continued prayers and positive thoughts. I can do that.

Can you?

I'm claiming Cancer Free for Nay, but of course we know the treatment was not. A gofundme me has been established in her name.

Is there someone you'd like pray for? Leave a comment with their name or the name the cancer.