Sporadically Yours

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Cruisin' Alaska - Part Four

Ketchikan, Alaska

Before we left for our cruise, we looked through all the stops to choose a reasonable excursion. Scrolling through what was offered through the cruise, nothing for a reasonable price interested us in Ketchikan. Our time in port was from 7:00 to 3:00. We got off the ship around 10:00 without a plan.

DO Talk To Strangers

So, we strolled passed all the tour offers that were AT LEAST 50% cheaper than the ones offered from the ship but kept walking, doing our own sightseeing. We were looking up at the housing area above the shops and how steep the stairwell was coming down into town.

Meet Julie

As "this lady" is coming down the stairs our friend asks Julie a question about where she's coming from. Julie says,  "I live back there".

She came down and our friend asks about Ketchikan and for any suggestions for what we should see or do and making general conversation. Me and the Missus were hanging back. We don't talk to strangers. 


Julie was very friendly though and as she told us about a place we must go, she said, "I'm walking to work right now, I'll show you the way."

So we followed along. When our friend asked Julie where she worked and she said she had a photography studio, Papa Bear inserted himself into the conversation and me and the Missus moved in closer. 

We found out that Julie had a green screen photography business. Papa Bear then took over the conversation talking about our photography business. Julie showed off her stuff, and Papa Bear talked about his stuff. It's a photographer's thing. 

Me and the Missus watched the clock.

We flipped through Julie's portfolio and I picked one of the least likely things I would do in Alaska. We got dressed in the props and Julie worked her magic.

We flipped through Julie's portfolio and I picked one of the least likely things I would do in Alaska. We got dressed in the props and Julie worked her magic.

Our friends picture is now on the storefront window

Ask and you shall receive! 

Alaska Dreams Photography

Where you can ride a moose, hunt a bear, catch fish, go kayaking, be a lumberjack and much more! 

*All the things we weren't going to do for reals

We ended up hanging out with Julie for about an hour, until more customers came. We had fun!


Baked Brie & Crab

Baked Brie & Crab

Words CANNOT describe how good this was. I said, "Wow" and "MMMMMM", the whole time I ate it. I was not happy that Papa Bear decided to like it when I was almost done.

It was served with warm sourdough bread and sliced green apples. It was so good that I decided to tap a stranger on the shoulder and give the same recommendation. I was kind of dissappointed that he'd been there before and had already tried it, but he agreed and thanked me. 

*This was supposed to be an appetizer and I did order a meal. I picked over the meal like a child would had spoiled their appetite by having dessert first.

Nothing I ate for the entire trip can compare to this appetizer. NOTHING.

We left Cape Fox Lodge the same way we came. We could have taken some stairs through the woods and all the way back down. But if someone was going to get bit by a mosquito in Alaska, it would have been me, so we took the Tram. 

Crown Grill Steakhouse


  • Talk to strangers
  • Go to Cape Fox Lodge restuarant and have the Baked Brie & Crab and ONLY that.
  • Make your dinner reservations ASAP and if you don't eat steak, get the Salmon!

Sporadically Yours,