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A Stroke Survivor Story: Part II
Sporadically Yours Sporadically Yours

A Stroke Survivor Story: Part II

Excerpt: By this day, daddy had been in the hospital for a week following the big stroke. He’d turned 73, having to lay flat in the hospital bed. Mom and I were certainly hopeful and prayerful but the truth I kept from people who were checking on him was that I was in despair. It was hard seeing him the way he was, and in a week’s time, he seemed to get worse. I feared the road ahead and what it meant for him and what it meant for my mom.

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This Old Man Had a [Stroke] - a possible series
Sporadically Yours Sporadically Yours

This Old Man Had a [Stroke] - a possible series

Excerpt: Finding out that it was Stroke Awareness Month, was just the sign that I needed to start writing again. My daddy has been quite the star of the show in my blog over the years. I hardly know where to start with this story. I want to write about a funny thing that happened but I feel like I need to start from the beginning, share a timeline and the full circle moment-ness of it all.

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