Hair's the thing...


Today was a GHD (good hair day) after I left the barbershop. For people with long hair, my hair is very short. For people with 'lovin it' pixie cuts, they understand my problem with this "long" part. In Decemeber of 2010, my hair was pixie-ish. I saw someone with longer hair in the front and it was so cute. I said, "I'm going to grow mine out like that!" 

I don't know about you but I always want someone else's haircut. I cut it a million times before I get there. When I'm almost there, I want it back like it was. I always like my last style better than my current one. I am TRYING to stick it out; however I know mine looks nothing like what I was trying to achieve. My do is made up, but its working for me and I get a lot of compliments.


My hair is one of those things that I am really vain about. If it doesn't look good then I don't want to be seen. I looked in the mirror this morning and decided today my hair looked like it belonged to a 41 year old. Nevermind that I am 41; I needed and wanted to cut some years off. 

When I am feeling a bad hair day coming on, I want to take my shears and go crazy. I once upon a way back in the day did hair, so I know how to do mine. I'm just not nearly as talented as my barber. I was able to refrain from cutting years off the top. Instead I went to the barbershop today and got hooked up in the back, which always makes me feel better.  I go in old lady and come out spring chicken.  And I glow until the next BHD.

Hair's the thing...I want my hair back like this, and when I get it back like this, I'll want it back pixie-ish.


If I had a shoe museum…


The Peanut Gallery, the Crickets and the Choir