As my writing sporadically ebbs and flows, sign up so you never miss a post!

Letter To White People
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Letter To White People

One of my white friends tagged me and two other Black writer’s on facebook. The title of the post was, “Share Black Voices”. She asked her followers to listen to what we had to say. I thought, who am I? As I also thought, I have nothing to say….

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Online Relationships

I learned that bloggers don't have to be like minded or share similar lives and experiences to be friends. Through our writing, we get to simply make a connection, enjoy, empathize and learn about things we may not ever experience for ourselves. 

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The Darkness is Present

Excerpt: I've watched the news more in the last five days than I have in the last eight months and what sickens me the most is to see how many supporters he still has. People who rant and cheer and don't have a clue that they are part of the problem. It's good vs. evil and there's nothing great about it. Nothing great can come of this and it's downright scary.

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A Proper Sign-Off
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A Proper Sign-Off

Goodness it seems that I have one foot out the blog door doesn't it? I've been brainstorming on how to come back and be relevant. But I don't feel like being relevant. It's too much work to be relevant...

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A Race Against Time
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A Race Against Time

A couple weeks ago, I got the bright idea to do a then and now photo. I had to beg Christopher to participate. He asked, "Are you going to be sharing this in social media?"  I responded, "Yes." In the end, my idea cost me $5. 

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