A consecrated future...

A reflection of the past…

It was October 2008. She was about to go to her 20th High School reunion. She wanted to look good because she believed that was all she had going for herself. She crash dieted and lost ten pounds before that weekend. She dodged questions about what she was doing now. She was in fact working part-time and giving her last two weeks to her employer. She was working in an industry she hated and had worked in since she was 19. But she said it was all good. She had just completed studies for an Associates degree and was pursuing a Bachelor’s degree. She didn’t want to say outloud what she believed. She believed at 37, she should be much further along in life. She didn’t say she had long forgotten what her dreams were. They knew she had gone away to college right after high school. They didn’t know she returned after two semesters. What they saw, “She hasn't changed a bit!” Little did they know…

Unemployed she would have time to reflect. In school she would learn she was smarter than she realized. She would rediscover her passion for writing. She would find she could still entertain with pen and paper. At age 38 the veil would slowly be removed to reveal who she had left behind. She would learn how to be herself and believe in herself.  She would make herself a priority.

“I believe in giving 100% to my commitments, but I no longer believe in emptying myself for them." LaMonique Hamilton

A snapshot of the present...

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Though still unemployed, she would not exchange acquired fortitude for loss of wages. Her path is no longer muddled with the debris that doubt leaves behind. She knows who she is. She is a writer. She has learned that dreams are not impossible. She is an author. 

The Future...

Only God knows. Until then…

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4: 10

"There is no agony like having an untold story inside you."       ~Zora Neale Hurston

"Write... not only to heal yourself, but to help your future readers to heal as well. You are not the only one waiting for the birth of your literary baby." Antoinette Dickson

Here’s the thing I know… without a shadow of a muddled past or path, I will write.


Honorable Discharge...


6 year old logic...