What's black & white and 'read' a little?

Yep it’s my blog!

For a few seconds you may have wondered if you landed on the wrong page. No worries, it’s me. I know it may look bare bones to you, but I put a lot of time and thought into moving here.

Though my new place was move in ready, I had a lot of furniture. Some things I had to get rid of, some things are in storage until I can figure out what to do with them. I needed a bigger place, with white walls and endless possibilities. 

My dream job is to be a columnist. I thought I should at least look the part. Now when you read my sporadic publication from work, it looks kind of official don’t cha think? The new interface is also reader friendly from mobile devices.

Before my parents upgraded, it would drive me crazy to view my site from their computer. I only hoped that they were the only ones reading Here’s the thing under 500 MB of RAM and outdated Internet Explorer conditions. I cringed at the thought of anyone pinching, zooming and scrolling from left to right, trying to read my blog from their phone. 

Previously I was on Squarespace (v5), now I have moved to Squarespace 6. It is very new. There are some features that need to be added and a few others that need to be reconfigured, but I love my new place already. I don’t have a host to compare Squarespace to because I moved here from Blogger, but they have THE BEST customer service. I’m looking forward to growing with them as I grow my brand.

Here’s the thing... it’s moving in day! I am looking around and not sure yet if I’ll ever paint, but there are no studs in the walls so I can do whatever I want.

Cheers to being black & white and read A LOT more!


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