Why the drastic change?

So after the introduction of my new blog design, the color of a newspaper with a splash of red, I received some honest feedback from my readers. Not wanting to yield so quickly, I waited a whole 30 minutes before I started working on the changes.

I struggle with choosing paint color, however I knew that going to Home Depot to collect paint swatches wasn’t going solve the black and white problem on my blog. I had no idea where to go with the color and then I looked at my cellphone case. It is purple and teal. Very fun and colorful. But when I put those two colors on my website, it looked too football teamish. I’m not even a football fan, but the colors reminded me of a football jersey.

I stumbled upon a deeper purple, more calming, more plum like, changed some fonts to gold and here you have the results. I really REALLY like it. So I heard from one blogger via e-mail. She wrote, “I love the purple and gold. Now tell me again the reason behind the drastic change.”

So here’s the thing... I only know one or two people who read my blog from their iPhone. I know at least two others who read it from the iPad. My mobile stats were significantly high considering the prior site was not optimized for mobile reading. I really wanted to fix that. Take a look at the difference. 





Here's the thing... I'm all for mobile friendly. Love my new design on my iPhone.


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