Slice of Life

Dear Tuesday,


My goodness. I think it's been a week since I wrote my 400 words. Thankfully I have made an appearance on my other blog - so my site isn't dead. On Saturday I wrote a post, "How to Get Away with Murder" and I received a lot of hit on it. For a Saturday that was amazing. So those clickable titles - I need to work on that. 

Today's slice of life means that I've cut out just a bit of me time to address my writing craving. It's like biting into a piece of cake except it satisfies for much longer. 

I came out to run a few errands and get some decaf coffee so I am at Panera. I have an audiobook on hold at the library and I can't wait to start listening to it, so that's my last stop. 

I've been listening to the James Patterson Michael Bennett series. The next book was always available on Overdrive digital library until I got to the last one and then the hold was like 50 some people for 2 copies. No telling when I would have finally got a hold of that one. 

The last book left me hanging and I am dying to get back to see how all the characters are making out. 

Anyway as for the slice of life, I wish it were easier to carve out and I didn't have to pay for it. 

It would be so cool to zap myself to a quiet place have a free cup of coffee, write 400 words and then start my day. 

My home life is in the way and I can't seem to write unless #1 no one else is home #2 I don't have anything else pressing to do. See how that can be a rare occurrence?

I just noticed the sign here. They stay open until 10pm seven days a week. I think I would love to come here at 9pm and write for an hour. I wonder what the crowd is like. 

Not that I'll ever do it. I am usually in my bed at 9:00 reading something. But sitting in a coffee/bakery at 9pm seems so hip. 

I saw a blog that has a 31 day prompt for October. I may try to participate here on the journal. We will see - tomorrow is already the 1st.

Good day Tuesday - 413 words 10:25am



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