Love Yourself

I'm on a cranky take better care of yourself regime for the millionth time. Taking better care is the key, but losing weight is always the goal.

This body of mine graduated from high school nearly 30 years ago, and 40-ish pounds lighter. Plans are in the works for a reunion and I don't wanna go fat.

I wish I could not care. But there's that whole senior superlative thing. You know if you were voted most likely to succeed, you might want to come back with a success story.

I don't want to sound self-deprecating here and certainly not prideful, but I was voted Most Attractive. 

I feel the same now as I did then, except then I wasn't worried about what I'd look like in 30 years. I just didn't want the attention. And as if there's anyone who cares besides me, I don't like the pressure of holding up "good looks".

Is, "You haven't changed a bit" going to suddenly cease, like getting carded for alcohol?

Will my feelings be hurt?

This post was inspired by Kristi Campbell's post last week, particularly the sentence on "Refraining from making some humorous but true-ish self-deprecating comment". I'm leaving my title as is as well as the word cloud that took way more than 5 minutes to create. I had no idea where I was going to go in 5-minutes of writing but I wanted to come out loving myself.

I'll try.

I bet you want to see that yearbook photo, don't you?

I could self-deprecate this photo to shreds! 🤐

Side note: I heard that the girl who was voted Most Athletic became a model!

Now she definitely can't come back fat.

This is a Stream of Consciousness Friday post. It's the Week 3, of the old school blogging, prompt for the Finish the Sentence Friday writing community where I'm co-hosting with Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee. This week we set a timer and write for 5 minutes on the optional prompt "This body of mine"

Join us for next week's FTSF prompt where we will share a photo and tell the story behind it.

I wrote this post two days ago and while it is important to love and take care of yourself, the rest is just small and shallow in the grand scheme of things. I'd like to take a moment here to pay my respects to the lives lost in the Florida school shooting and all the others that happened this year that I didn't even know about. It makes me want to try harder with the one thing I can actually control.

Sporadically Yours,


Been there...


Better Than Anything