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A Presumption Of Guilt
A Random Story A Random Story

A Presumption Of Guilt

Excerpt: "Excuse me" the grandmother charged, "you're sitting in our chairs!" Not alarmed, I said, "Really? We've been sitting here all day."  The grandfather yipped like a chihuahua right behind her, something about that's why they put their t-shirts on the chairs so people won't take them...

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DWB - it's a thing...
A Random Story A Random Story

DWB - it's a thing...

Driving While Black... I remember allowing my brother to drive me around in my 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse but I seldom let him borrow it. One day I had to run a quick errand to return something to a department store. My brother's friend rode along and I sat in the back seat. When we got to the store, I said, "I'll only be a few minutes" telling him that he didn't need to park. I hopped out of the car and ran into the store. When I came back outside, there was a police car sitting there but I didn't think anything of it. When I got back in the car, my brother had been questioned about whose car he was driving, why he was sitting there and why I ran into the store....

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It's Mother's Day in July...
A Random Story A Random Story

It's Mother's Day in July...

I’ve virtually written and crumpled several posts over the past couple weeks. But today everything was just right in Mama Bear’s world (headlines excluded) and that is when I like to write. Today’s weather and writing in it was like biting a piece of chocolate when I've been on a diet - except chocolate is never excluded on a diet. 

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This Whole Blog Is A Masquerade
A Random Story A Random Story

This Whole Blog Is A Masquerade

I won't pretend that I read/watch the news and know everything that's going on in the world. Most times I get my news from Facebook. Sometimes the stories and what people have to say about them slaps me in the face. It's the big stories, the stories that are close to home, the stories that have gone viral, and the ignorant comments shared about those stories that affect me the most.

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Photos in the Cloud

Photos in the Cloud

Sharing a post like this just got a little easier for me. A couple weeks ago, one of Apple's updates to the Mac (OS X Yosemite) included photos in the cloud. Now I don't have to email the iPhone photos to myself so that I can blog them. The only downside is that there's a lot of photos that I don't mean to keep forever. You know like pictures of my feet...

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The Secretary Has A Story

The Secretary Has A Story

Hopefully if you're reading this post, you're picking up where I left off with my last one, A Photo Story featuring The Secretary. 

If not, you're not missing any background story, except for knowing who "the secretary" is. While I was writing for the Finish the Sentence Friday prompt, I dug up a bit of history by asking my mom a question. By the time I got to "The Secretary" in my post - I had another story to tell.

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I Get Ocean Withdrawal

I Get Ocean Withdrawal

I'm not a beach person per se, but I do love the look, the smell and the sound of the ocean.

I grew up just a few short hours from Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina. My family would go to the beach at least once during the summer for a day trip or a weekend and I was always in awe of the ocean.

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Fake Reading...
A Random Story A Random Story

Fake Reading...

I've been itching to come around and say hello, but there is one thing I cannot do and blog at the same time. I cannot read and blog. My niche should have been book blogging, but then I may not have as many friends...

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